
Documentation reading 🙇🏼‍♂️ enjoyer. Constantly learning 📚 developer.


  1. Quick

    Frontend Development Team Leader

    Led and developed 🧑🏻‍💻 with a team of six persons (peak) in the development and migration of the main application, which included foreseeing and helping them solve complex problems 🚨 and git issues; knowledge 📖 transference; reviewing, making suggestions, and accepting merge requests; receive requirements 📋, plan, and assign activities; and evaluate tests for new personnel hiring

    • Migrate projects to a monorepo, first using nx, and later using moonrepo 🌕
    • Optimize container 🐳 images
    • Deploy 🚀 to prod
    • Led and developed for the backend during the leader vacation
    • Helped with some support tickets for the backend team
    • Migrated Gatsby app to Next.js
  2. Quick

    Frontend Developer

    Introduced typescript to new projects, and rewrote 📝 the company components library to typescript, while developing new components. Also introduced the usage of Next.js to new projects

    • Developed a platform to review, approve, or reject driver candidates using Gatsby
  3. Universidad del Valle

    Research Assistant

    Did some bibliography review and made graphs for alternate architecture proposals

    • Modelled a 3D lung to use in a mechanical ventilation and lung simulation lab
  4. Self-Employed

    Worked in multiple non-related projects, including but not limited to:

    • Developed a micro-controller and an app used to analyze vibrations of a mechanical rotary balance lab bench
    • Wired and assembled equipments for a manufacturing lab
  5. Carvajal Empaques

    Intern / Maintenance Analyst

    Developed an app used to obtain and store measurements from power grid analyzers connected via serial communication

    • This saved the company 16'000.000 COP for initial licensing, plus monthly usage fees


  1. Autonomous Learning

    I tried to index my knowledge with different software after finding about the Zettelkasten. I got invested into Obsidian. Here are some resources where I learn from:

  2. Universidad del Valle

    Master in Computing and Systems Engineering

  3. Universidad del Valle

    Mechanical Engineering



  • logo Next.js
  • logo TailwindCSS
  • logo Typescript
  • logo React
  • logo CSS
  • logo Docker
  • logo NodeJS
  • logo Django
  • logo Python
  • logo nginx
  • logo PostgreSQL
  • logo RabbitMQ


  • logo Git
  • logo Figma
  • logo Linux
  • logo VSCode
  • logo Blender
  • logo LaTeX


  • logo Kubernetes
  • logo Astro

About Me

I was introduced to computers by my father, who used to have a company where he developed programs and sold computers. When I turned around seven years old, he introduced me to Clipper.

During my years in mechanical engineering ⚙️, I learned some things about micro-controllers (Arduino), and enjoyed it so much I ended doing my grade project in Smart Factories 🏭 and Industry 4.0.

In the search of knowledge, I started my masters degree 👨🏻‍🎓 and learned a variety of technologies that paved my way into web development 🌐. While I currently perform as a Frontend Developer, I'm interested in all aspects of web development, as backend and infrastructure, plus micro-controllers and smart homes.